
芭蕾信差 明信片義賣 Postallerina

Postallerina at your service!!

Activity 1 – Christmas Card from an Unknown Man/Woman
With the season of joy around the corner,
Spread the happiness to everyone!
Write a postcard, leaving the address blank and we will fill it in for you!
So… Be prepared to have an unexpected and blessed Christmas!

Activity 2 – To: The 2012 Me
What would you say to the "2012 Me"?
Pen down your thoughts on the specially designed postcards and drop it in the “Postallerina Postbox”.
Next year around this time, get ready for a little surprise in your letterbox!

Happening from 12/12/2011 (Mon.) to 12/15/2011 (Thurs.)
Find us at the side entrance opposite McDonald’s.
See you around!

NCCU_Postallerinas: Where your mails dance through an adventure with us.